We currently have several publications available for purchase.  All checks must be made out to the Heard County Historical Society

Mayhayley Lancaster Legend of an Oracle Mayhayley Lancaster Legend of an Oracle DVD. The Historical Society has been supporting Rick Fowler’s production on Mayhayley and the “Old Jail” was used for interviews and research.  We are pleased to have copies of the DVD for sale.  It is a 48 minute documentary about Heard County’s most famous seer, Mayhayley Lancaster.  Interviews appearing in the movie are  Dot Moore (Author of “Oracle of the Ages”), Melissa Jackson, Johnnie Huey, Nelllie Dunaway Duke, Chanell Lowery, W. Jeff Bishop, Jonathan Dorsey, and James Davis.  Cost is  $5.00 for members of the society and $15.00 for non-members if picked up at the museum.  To receive your purchase by mail add $5.00 shipping & handling for each DVD

Deed Book 1

Deed Book 1: 1894-1898 is a 6x9 hardcover book containing 263 pages and a first and last name index.  It was abstracted and compiled by Freda Reid Turner from microfilm of Court House records, May 2004). Heard County was established in 1830 from parts of Carroll, Coweta and Troup Counties.  There have been three courthouse fires destroying all records.  The year 1894 marks the beginning of the only available records.  After that date, many land owners brought their deeds to the courthouse to be recorded to assure a more permanent registry of their property, with some as far back as 1840. Much family history can be gleaned from this publication, names of neighbors, location of various settlements, the rivers and streams supplying water to the area and much more.

Deed Book 2

Deed Book 2: 1894-1901is a 6x9 hardcover book containing 198 pages and a first and last name index.  It was abstracted and compiled by Freda Reid Turner from microfilm of Court House records, May 2004)Land records have always been an outstanding source of information for genealogical research for names of people who were living in a particular area, many times names of the wife and children are listed.  When considering the price paid for the number of acres sold, there is some indication of the economic condition of the area at that time.  Farming was the main source of income, however there were other business operations at the time especially stores and the hotel around the square and business operations in other outlying parts of the county.

cover in colorHighway 27 Stories

Chattahoochee River Stories

Highway 27 Stories is a 8.5×11 hardback book in a rich green color. It is a compilation of stories “ from tragedies to comedies, historic to whimsical“ about life along highway 27 from the Carroll County line to the Troup County line. Society member Rebecca Davis Lawley has been collecting stories and memories from local citizens for several years and the book committee has spent this past year putting the book together. Reprinted in soft cover $25.00

Chattahoochee River Storiesis a 126 page book compiled and published by the Heard County Historical Society in 2004.  It is a hard cover book with beautiful pictures and a full name index.The Chattahoochee River Stories flows through time and events on the river: floods and droughts, tragedies, pleasures, believe-it-or-not happenings,  as told by personal stories, research, recorded history and present-day photographs.  Reprinted in soft cover $25.00

We have a limited number of soft cover editions that have been printed.  They are for sale at the Gulf Station. Pick yours up today.

Make check payable to the Heard County Historical Society and mail to:

Heard County Historical Society
P.O. Box 990
Franklin, GA  30217

Please call or stop by the museum to check availability and to purchase books and other products offered by the Heard County Historical Society.